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Little Things Farm Tours

If you’ve ever been curious about milking a dairy goat, wanted to cuddle a baby goat, or wished to learn more about sustainable farming and how small-breed livestock can live together and help the farm grow Little Things Farm’s farm tours are for you! Meet the intelligent “capricious” animals, say hi to the Alpaca guardians and see how they happily live alongside the small cattle and horse breeds, ducks and more.

The farm’s Family and Group morning and afternoon tours make it more convenient than ever to visit. The smaller (4-6 person), individually led format offers a more intimate look at Little Things Farm and allows you to get up close and immerse yourself with the farm animals. Tours last for approximately 1 to 1½ hours. (morning tours 1hr or afternoon tours 1 1/2 hours including afternoon tea ).

Little Things Farm Tours also offers Private Couples tours. Sometimes it is just nice to wander the farm and spend time with the animals, just you and your someone special. These tours are led by Lesley and allow you enjoy the relaxed - no kid (except the four legged kind) experience. Enjoy the amazing colours over Quamby Bluff in the early afternoon with a private picnic finishing the tour with your choice of a local cider and a goats cheese and local produce platter.