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Tulampanga / Alum Cliffs

'Tulampanga' is the Pallittorre (local Aboriginal) name for the Alum Cliffs area. It is a place of particular social and spiritual significance to Aboriginal people because of the ochre found in that area of the Gog Range. Many tribes traveled to Tulampanga to obtain this highly prized material and for them, this was also a sacred celebration place.

Suitable for most ages, this grade two 40-minute walk is short but spectacular with breathtaking views. From the car park, there is a short ascent to a plateau with a large sculpture and views of Quamby Bluff and surrounding farmland. Then through a gentle descent, the track terminates at a viewing platform that overlooks the spectacular Alum Cliffs Gorge.

There are interpretive panels dotted along the track that examine the aboriginal heritage and natural values of the area.

Photo: copyright 2020 Jade Austen All rights reserved.